For over 25 years Nicki Cooke has provided remedial massage, sports injury therapy and first aid response to athletes at all levels. She is Qualified, Indemnified, Experienced, and Professional. She is able to address issues such as headaches, stiff necks, sore shoulders, low back pain, tired heavy legs, ACL injuries, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, lymphodema, general aches and pains, sports injuries and personal fitness, for all sectors of the populace.
If you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, please contact us before making your booking with Nicki.
Minimum time requirement prior to booking
We require online bookings to be made at least 12 hours before the desired appointment time. To make an appointment closer than that, please phone the Clinic.
You Nicki Cooke are more precious than gold!
I love this photo of Nicki and Declan with the beautiful paintings by Leeanne.
Nicki thank you for being an amazing friend for over 20 years. Thank you for going above and beyond in treating Declan’s chronic pain. And for all the hours and hours of research you have done to help him when we have that gut feeling that something else was going on… and it was! Thank you for helping me through some of the toughest times in my life. Thank you for praying with/for me when everything was so overwhelming. Thank you for teaching me it’s ok to say no. It’s ok to question what is going on. Thank you for reminding me how strong I am. Thank you for all your cheekiness! Oh the things you say and the reactions Declan gives are priceless. You Nicki Cooke are seriously more precious than gold!
Nicole MIC Sports Therapies23/03/2022
Nicki is a Fellow of ATMS and a Professional Member of SMA: