If you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, please contact us before making your booking.
Minimum time requirement prior to booking
We do require online bookings to be made at least 12 hours before the desired appointment time. To make an appointment closer than that, please phone the Clinic.
Hurrah! Such is the demand for Jason’s services that he is extending his hours at IC Sports Therapies.
Jason has a special interest in working with sports injuries and rehabilitation. In particular he’s interested in injuries involving muscular and joint problems in the lower limbs. When treating these injuries he uses a combination of soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisations, ultrasound and a graded exercise program in order to rehabilitate you the client and get you back to your sports and activities as soon as possible.
He has also recently started to use Shockwave Therapy which has been found to cause a benefit in a number of injuries, including Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinitis, and Tennis and Golfers elbow, as well as all other Tendinitis Conditions.
Here at IC Sports Therapies we also have a multifaceted team whose modalities include Remedial and Relaxation Massage, Personal Training and Pilates Classes, to assist you in getting you back to your sport.
If you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, please contact us before making your booking.
Minimum time requirement prior to booking
We do require online bookings to be made at least 12 hours before the desired appointment time. To make an appointment closer than that, please phone the Clinic.
On Boxing Day December 26th we will be available by appointment only.
We will however be open for our normal hours of 7am – 6pm from Tuesday December 27th to Friday December 30th, and from Tuesday January 3rd to Friday January 6th.
We are closed for the New Year’s Day Observance holiday on Monday January 2nd.
Half-hour Treatments and Concession Rates are also available.
Time-critical Condition
Before December 1st, we can supply half- and one-hour Gift Vouchers at the pre-December rate ($50 and $90 respectively), and we will accept them for services delivered from 1st December when our new prices apply. Also, bookings made in November for the month of December will also have the pre-December rate ($50 and $90 respectively) applied.
IC Sports Therapies are resuming our normal opening hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, as of next Monday14 November.
Please note that Nicki is already over 3/4 booked out for the week of 14 November, so if you are especially wanting to see her, we advise you to either book a time ASAP, or reserve a time in the following week.
Please be advised that IC Sports Therapies are changing our opening hours for the period Monday 24 October to Friday 11 November 2016.
The changed hours are in response to our reduced staffing levels, with our Principal Therapist Nicki Cooke away, serving as a Team Therapist at the Indoor Cricket Masters World Series tournament in Birmingham. (You can keep up to date with the tournament with the 2016 WCIF Masters World Series – Live Streams!)
The continuing needs of our clients are being met by Jason, Colin and Lisa, our Physiotherapy, P.T. & Pilates, and Swedish Massage therapists.
Clinic hours
For the week of 24-28 October, our hours will be 8:00am – 5:00pm. Our phones will be answered by Steve, who will answer your enquiries and take your bookings.
For the period 31 October to 11 November, Steve will also be away, and our phones will be answered by Tia, who will take your booking for you. Our clinic will open as required for client bookings only.
Therapist hours
For the 3 weeks of amended hours, our therapists are available by appointment as follows:
Jason: Tuesday 9:00am – 6:00pm, and Thursday, 9:00am – 6:00pm
Colin: Wednesday Noon – 7:30pm, and Thursday 8:00am – 3:00pm
Lisa: Wednesday 12:30pm – 3:30pm, and Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm
Normal services will resume
From 14 November we will again have our full complement of staff, and will resume our normal opening hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Please note that Nicki is already two-thirds booked out for the week of 14 November, so if you are especially waiting to see her, we advise you to book a time ASAP.