Our referral bonus programme is still up and running. For our clients who refer a friend, there is a $10 bonus for you when your friend has their first one hour session with us ($5 if they have a half hour). The more you refer, the bigger your bonus.
Happy, fixed customers are our best advertisement. We specialise in rehabilitating clients with tricky issues.
Category: Posts
We’re on Yelp. Visit our Yelp page and review us.
There’s a bonus for Yelpers who check in at our clinic.

Australia Day
Wishing all our Aussies, young and old, new and indigenous the very best of happiness on Australia Day.
Sports First Aid kits
Just a reminder to our followers, we have all manner of Sports First Aid kits, from a basic Sports Trainers bum bag, through to a fully equipped Trauma bag. We also customise and provide Tape and kits for sports teams.
See our online store for more information, or Contact us for a quote.
Proud to be involved with the ACT Asteroids
Use-by date?
During the break we have been doing some rearranging, and would love you to call in and see our range of sports first aid, and sports trainers supplies. We are able to top up your first aid kits at very reasonable prices, so check your kit and ensure everything is still within its use by date. If not, call in with your list and we will help you restock.
We have met many new clients in 2014, and renewed our friendship with many more, since opening our doors in Edgeworth David Avenue. We are beyond grateful for the support, love and encouragement you have shown us this year, and wish you all the very best for 2015 and beyond. May the year coming be filled with love, laughter, success, happiness and the abundance of God’s provision.
Suffering from a long term injury?
Do you know anyone suffering from a long term injury that no-one else seems to be able to help with? We would love the opportunity to assess and treat them. Even a 10% reduction in pain is often the difference between comfort and just not coping.
Read some of our testimonials, and please give them our contact information.
Custom Designed First Aid Kits
We have a range of Custom Designed First Aid Kits to cater to the varying needs of our clients. Tapes and dressings have multiple uses, to reduce space requirements. Come in to our clinic in Hornsby to see our range of custom and standard kits, or buy or assemble your own kit in our on-line shop.

Half-off* Discount on Gift Vouchers
Gift vouchers are on sale.
*Buy one at full price, and you can get another one at 50% off.
Perfect for Christmas gifts, or indeed any other time of the year!
You can find them on-line in our shop. Using the discount code BOGOHO until December 23, 2014 to claim your 50% discount on a second (fourth, sixth, eighth…) voucher 🙂
While you are in the shop, check out our specialised First Aid Kits too!