
Are YOU starting to prepare for the City2Surf on Sunday, 8th August 2021?

Book today for pre-event sessions with our qualified team members, to give you that extra edge  to beat Heartbreak Hill!

Keep an eye out for City2Surf news about the big day on the City2Surf website or on their FaceBook page.

And after the big day, book in for post-event sessions to aid your recovery.

Our qualified and professional therapists can address issues such as ACL injuries, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries and personal fitness.

Qualified. Indemnified. Experienced.

Lisa Jason Nicki
Sports Massage X X
Remedial Massage X X X
Physiotherapy X
K-Taping X X X

Minimum time requirement prior to booking

We do require online bookings to be made at least 10 hours before the desired appointment time. To make an appointment closer than that, please phone our Clinic.
