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Minimum time requirement prior to booking
We do require online bookings to be made at least 12 hours before the desired appointment time. To make an appointment closer than that, please phone the Clinic.
At IC Sports Therapies, results are our focus. The best result for our clients is an early, safe return to full function.
Our evidence-based analysis and targeted, structured programmes are tailored to individual requirements.
We integrate balance, injury recovery and correct exercise prescription to have our clients back to training within 6 weeks of injury (where no surgery is needed).
Our therapists are highly trained and experienced, and have represented their countries at elite levels, so they know what is required. Our results speak for themselves.
Book today
Book an appointment and experience the difference. Phone (02) 9477-3103 today or book online.
Peter Escott, NZ Over 50s World Cup Cricket Team 2018
Peter EscottNZ Over 50s World Cup Cricket Team 2018IC Sports Therapies15/02/2019
Nicki does incredible work, she has worked her magic on myself and my family and has us back up and active very quickly. She really knows her profession and gets to the root cause quickly. I highly recommend her work for all muscle, tendon injuries and any rehabilitation needed. She Continue Reading
Greg D.Baulkham Hills, NSWIC Sports Therapies21/05/2015
IC Sports Therapies are pleased to announce another first! We have an innovative new HUMAC balance assessment and treatment tool, and it is available to all our clients. This system is the first such unit in a private practice* on Sydney’s North Shore, whereas these units are usually found only in University settings.
Balance Assessment
The new Balance System represents a breakthrough in computerised Balance Measurement and Training Systems. By coupling the Balance Software with the most popular balance board in the gaming industry, we are able to offer cutting-edge diagnostics and treatments for Athletes, Trainers, Physical Therapists, Exercise Scientists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Doctors, etc.
The Balance plate looks like a typical gaming board, but this one provides clinical grade accuracy. The Balance System is a static force plate combined with a Tilt system, allowing both static force and dynamic tilt measurements. These parameters are used in a variety of protocols to access and improve the capabilities of balance, orthopaedic and neurologic patients. In many cases the same display is used for all three types of patients, for both testing and exercise, on both stable and unstable surfaces. In addition, real-time biofeedback helps users better perform the exercises they are already doing, while making the exercises more engaging.
HUMAC Measurement and Training Routines
The HUMAC Balance System includes, amongst others, the following Measurement and Training Routines:
Clinical Test of Sensory Input Balance (CTSIB). This tests how a patient’s vision, vestibular and somatosensory systems interact, and if a deficit exists compared to a normal population. The patient is tested on both firm and unstable surfaces, with eyes open and closed.
Centre of Pressure – tracks a Patients’ COP while performing exercises with eyes open or closed. This shows variations in a patient’s Left/Right, Front/Back weight distribution while being tested.
Weight Shift – measures a patient’s ability to shift their weight back and forth, while hitting targets and keeping within a target zone.
Limits of Stability – this testing mode has targets for a patient to move a cursor to, and then hold on target for a selectable time, before moving to the next target.
Roadway – reports a patient’s ability to accurately weight shift, while keeping within the boundaries of a “roadway”.
Weight Bearing – displays how weight is distributed right to left or front to back.
Tests can be performed anonymously, but individualised patient profiles can also be set up on the computer to track progress and results.This means we can test a patient, treat them, reassess them a few weeks later, and provide before-and-after comparison reports.
The Balance System retains all of the raw data collected from a test. Results can be reported using a standard Test, Progress, or Group Summary format, for reference by the patient themselves, or a referring doctor, physiotherapist or sports trainer.
The Balance System includes Down Hill Skier, Flight, Tilt Board, Breakout, and Pong games so Physical Therapy is always fun and exciting.
Get with the program
Be among the first of our clients to try it – ring us on (02)9477-3103 and book your time today!
Research published in the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (IJTMB) found that older adults who receive massage therapy for up to six weeks could benefit from decreased blood pressure and improved stability.
Falls in older adults represent a primary cause of decreased mobility and independence, increased morbidity, and accidental death. Research and clinical reports indicate that therapeutic massage (TM) may positively influence suggested causative factors. This project assessed the effects of six weeks of TM treatment on balance, nervous system, and cardiovascular measures in older adults.
The TM group showed significant differences relative to controls in cardiovascular and displacement area/velocity after the week six session, with decreasing blood pressure and increasing stability over time from immediate post-TM to 60 minutes post-TM. Long-term differences between the groups were detected at week seven in displacement area/velocity and systolic blood pressure.
Results suggest six weeks of TM resulted in immediate and long-term improvements in postural stability and blood pressure, compared to a controlled condition.
People who’ve sprained an ankle are likely to sprain it again, writes Gretchen Reynolds for the New York Times, but there may be a “supremely low-tech” fix: balance training. An ankle sprain interferes with the neural receptors in the ligaments that transmit balance information to the brain. Even when the sprain is healed, balance can still remain impaired—increasing the chance of a future injury.
In sports, ankles are the most commonly injured body part — each year approximately eight million people sprain an ankle. Millions of those will then go on to sprain that same ankle, or their other ankle, in the future. “The recurrence rate for ankle sprains is at least 30 percent,” says Patrick McKeon, an assistant professor in the Division of Athletic Training at the University of Kentucky, “and depending on what numbers you use, it may be high as 80 percent.”
“There are neural receptors in ligaments,” says Jay Hertel, an associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Virginia and an expert on the ankle. When you damage the ligament, “you damage the neuro-receptors as well. Your brain no longer receives reliable signals” from the ankle about how your ankle and foot are positioned in relation to the ground. Your proprioception — your sense of your body’s position in space — is impaired. You’re less stable and more prone to falling over and re-injuring yourself.
A growing body of research suggests that many of those second (and often third and fourth) sprains could be avoided with an easy course of treatment. Stand on one leg. Try not to wobble. Hold for a minute. Repeat.
The treatment, simple as it is, can be quite beneficial
This is the essence of balance training, a supremely low-tech but increasingly well-documented approach to dealing with unstable ankles. A numberofstudies published since 2008 have shown that the treatment, simple as it is, can be quite beneficial.
Balance training uses instability to force you to use muscles that stabilize the body during movement. Equipment like stability balls, the vibrating platform, wobble boards, etc. all create that instability which causes more muscles to activate than if you were just standing on a stable surface.
A selection of the balance-challenging equipment in our exercise room.
At IC Sports Therapies, we have an array of balance-challenging equipment, a collection which is unique to our practice. We can help you with a program to retrain your brain, and re-establish balance in your life. Phone us today on 9477-3103.