As the papers reported it
Follow the link for a Canberra Times article on the event, “Australian cricket greats Glenn McGrath and Michael Hussey try their hand at Blind Cricket”
Follow the link for a Canberra Times article on the event, “Australian cricket greats Glenn McGrath and Michael Hussey try their hand at Blind Cricket”
As long-term supporters and sponsors of Blind Cricket in both NSW and the ACT, IC Sports Therapies were proud to have been invited to the promotional day held in Canberra on the 18th November, 2014. IC Sports Therapies have a long association with the sport, and were deeply involved in the organisation of the first Blind Cricket Ashes held in Australia in 2008.
For ACT Blind Cricket, IC Sports Therapies designed and supplied First Aid kits for the Canberra and Albury players, tailoring them to the particular requirements of the sport of Blind Cricket. IC Sports Therapies also sourced both Kiwi- and Canberra-made bats for the team, and designed and sourced their new uniforms.
As long-term supporters of Blind Cricket, especially in the A.C.T., IC Sports Therapies is pleased to share with you an invitation to a fund-raising and promotional event, in conjunction with a Today Show television broadcast.
Venue – A.N.U. North Oval, McCaughey St., Acton A.C.T.
Date – Tue. 18 November 2014
Time – 6:30 am to 8:30 am
Highlights – Glen McGrath and Mike Hussey will be in attendance. This is a wonderful opportunity to see two of the greats of Australian cricket.
There will also be a BBQ serving breakfast.
RSVP to blindcricketact@gmail.com by Mon. 17th Nov.
A general illustrated guide to knee strapping.
Make sure your skin is clean and free of lotions or cream. You may wish to shave excess hair from the area to be taped.
Cut 3 strips of tape 7 squares long (use the backing as your guide).
Cut one piece in half. Round all ends to ensure stability of the ends. This improves adhesion and reduces fraying.
Take one of the long strips and tear the backing tape approximately one square from the end. Taking care not to touch the adhesive, fold back the backing on both torn edges.
Remove the backing from the end.
With the knee bent at 90˚, apply the exposed end of the tape on the inside of the leg, below the knee, ensuring there is no stretch at all.
Gently rub this end of the tape to ensure it is fixed.
Stretch the tape to approximately 50% and follow the OUTER edge of the knee cap, removing the backing and laying the tape, smoothing it upwards with your thumb.
When you reach the last square of tape, fix it to the skin with no stretch at all.
Now gently rub the applied tape to secure it.
Take the second long tape and, as before, tear the tape one square from the end, and fold back both ends of the tear.
Beginning approximately 2/3 of the way up the inside part of the thigh, apply the first part of the tape with no stretch.
Using 50% stretch apply the tape to the muscle, bringing the tape around the inside of the knee cap, crossing the first tape in the centre immediately below the knee cap.
Lay the last square of tape without stretch.
Take one of the short strips, 3 1/2 squares
Tear the backing in the middle of the short strip.
Fold back the tear.
Gently stretch the tape to 75% and apply immediately below the knee cap where the vee forms with the long strips.
Apply the ends with no stretch.
Rub the tape to allow it to fix.
Take the second short strip and repeat the process, this time placing the tape immediately above the kneecap.
Complete taping by rubbing all tape gently to enhance adhesive.
Do not remove the tape. Simply allow it to come off over time, trimming the ends as it peels.
You can purchase tape and spray-on adhesive (if necessary) in our Shop. Top up your supplies now.
As part of a Bushfire Brigade you have undoubtedly been preparing tools and equipment for the forthcoming season. However, many people overlook the greatest asset – the firefighters themselves.
At IC Sports Therapies, we know the importance of people, and how vital it is for the decision making processes under pressure, that stress be at a minimum.
To function at optimum, mentally and physically, requires preparation. We have a personalised plan to ensure all bushfire brigade members function at optimum, whatever role they play.
We are committed to ensuring that members’ minds are as sharp as their tools, and their bodies are able to respond quickly and safely in an emergency.
Call us and make a booking, and bring this voucher with you to your appointment.
IC Sports Therapies was part of the 2014 Princes Street Turramurra Fair, to support Wake Up, a Sydney based foundation run by young people for young people, and a local victim of a coward punch bashing.
Please post any positive experiences you’ve had with Nicki, Cath or Tom.
The comment with the most likes will be entitled to a 15 minute complimentary neck and shoulder massage.
Please note the Likes must be from separate people.
Therapists Nicki and Cath, ably assisted by Steve, hoisted the flag at the Unknown and Unknowable 3 event held at Foxglove Oval on September 28th, organised by Tommy from the CrossFit Feel Good Gym in Hornsby.