Friday Fitness Fact #5: Exercise



You can’t use exercise to target fat loss in specific areas.

‘Targeted fat loss, also known as “spot reduction,” is a popular idea partly because it appeals to our intuition. After all, it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that the fat you burn while exercising comes from the area around the muscles you are using. Yet a 1971 study conducted by the University of California, Irvine on tennis players found that this is not actually the case.’[1]

10 Myths And Facts About Burning Fat[2]

  1. You Must Eliminate Entire Food groups to See Results
  2. Endless Jumping Exercises are Great for Fat Loss
  3. Eating Twice a Day is the Best Way to Lose Fat
  4. You can Eat Whatever you want, as long as you create a Caloric Deficit
  5. Just Eat Less and you’ll Lose Weight
  6. All Calories are Equalso Eat Less and you’ll Lose Weight
  7. You should feel Exhausted at the end of every Workout
  8. You need to Work Out Every Day if you’re Serious about Losing Weight
  9. Intense Cardiovascular Training will Burn Muscle and Thin out my Legs
  10. You Don’t need to get Stronger to get Leaner

[1] Targeted Fat Loss: Myth or Reality? at Yale Scientific, 2011

[2] 10 Myths And Facts About Burning Fat,

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