Our July Promotion result


Contest winner Gail Lawler receives her prize from Chief Therapist Nicki Cooke
Our winner Gail Lawler (R) receives her prize from Chief Therapist Nicki Cooke (L)

Our promotion for the month of July has ended.

The person who made the most referrals has won a Sports First Aid kit (pictured) valued at $150.

Our congratulations go to our winner, Gail Lawler.

The runner-up prize (a 50%-off discount for two people) goes to Sebastian Rambaldini.

Thanks to all those who entered. Every one of you have earned at least one “Refer a Friend” reward for your efforts. We have had over 100 new people introduced to us so far this year, and it’s all thanks to your referrals.

And now, into August – Tradies Month



IC Sports Therapies